Podcast: True Blood Fan Source.com Discusses 4.01 She’s Not There

Posted on the 29 June 2011 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

Hello Truebies! We decided to try something a little different for our recap of the True Blood Season 4 premiere episode, “She’s Not There.” Instead of writing an episode summary, we opted to do a podcast instead which you can listen to below. In it we not only discuss what happened in the episode but also what we thought about it. There are mentions of spoilers from relating to episode 2 but they are either ones we’ve posted or they are really minor. In addition, we talk a little bit about ourselves, how we met, and the occupational hazards of running a True Blood fansite.

The podcast is a bit long, just over an hour or so because it’s our first one and there was a ton to talk about. In any case we hope that you enjoy it and tell us what you think in the comments! Please note: Shanea mentions that we posted the podcast on Youtube.com but we ended up using another provider. Enjoy!

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