Podcast at Tandem Nomads

By Marilyngardner5 @marilyngard

I knew as soon as I met Amel Derragui that, despite the age difference, she was a kindred spirit. Amel was born in India of Algerian parents. Since childhood, she has lived in 8 countries and 13 cities, giving her a perspective and broad view of the world. Between birth and age 5, Amel switched between 3 languages (English, Arabic, French) in 5 different school systems and 3 different countries. (India, Serbia, and Algeria.) She is truly a global nomad with a unique perspective on the world.

Amel has done everything from selling encyclopedias door to door, to packing up and moving to Iran to join her husband Michael, who was living there. Through the years, she has learned to pack up her career into a suitcase, and she works hard to help others discover their niche in the places where they find themselves. Her particular passion is helping those who follow their partners to various parts of the world find a place.

Tandem Nomads is a weekly podcast show (online radio) and an online platform providing you with great inspiration and free resources to help you turn the challenges of relocation into great opportunities for you and for your career!*

I was honored when Amel asked to interview me and, for me, it turned into a great time of learning. Sometimes when you are asked to share your story, you sit back and realize all of what has happened, how the puzzle pieces fit and you are amazed. That's what happened during our conversation.

So I'm sending you to Amel's site today to hear the podcast, but also, to get aquainted with Amel and what she does. Her story is far more fascinating than mine!

Part 1: Blending your skills to find your zone of genius.

*From website