PoArtMo 2020: Kindu 2

Posted on the 03 June 2020 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia

A couple of weeks ago, I told you about the Kindku, a new poetry form that I invented with David Ellis.

Time for me to start sharing my poems! I hope you will try to write some on your end!

This Kindku is inspired by Alphonse de Lamartine's masterpiece, .

In August 1817, Lamartine was supposed to meet his muse Julie Charles at the Lac du Bourget. Unfortunately, the young woman suffered from tuberculosis and died shortly after.

Lamartine (1790-1869) decided to go back to the lake to see the places that they had visited together. The experience and the unchanged nature of the area triggered his desire to write about their love and the passage of time.

There Is Always Us Waves often gather where silence needs time alone; brief are their voices and yet their words do linger, keep reminding us that even in fierce storms love knows how to live.@2020 Cendrine Marrouat

Not sure how to write a Kindku? Check out the rules here.

I look forward to reading your Kindku.

PoArtMo (Positive Art Month) is in session!

PoArtMo stands for two things: Positive Art Month and Positive Art Moves.

  • Positive Art Month is a month dedicated to positive art. Every June, artists around the world are invited to create and celebrate positive art for 30 days. It can be absolutely anything art related: photography, poetry, short stories, sculptures, drawings, theatre, etc.
  • Positive Art Moves celebrates positivity and inspiration in art all year long.

PoArtMo is open to hobbyist, amateur and professional artists. Artists interested in participating in PoArtMo can do so by heading to this link to find out more, along with submissions opportunities for a PoArtMo Contest and a PoArtMo Anthology too: