Plus 40 Fabulous July Edition

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621

Hello and welcome to the July edition of Plus 40 Fabulous and the theme for this month is holidays!
I have wonderful childhood memories of the family holidays we used to go on which most years were spent at Holimarine in Hopton on Sea Norfolk. As a small child it felt like a magical adventure and the excitement at seeing the entrance gates to the park has stayed with me!
Our days would be spent swimming in the outdoor pool, trips to the beach, pony rides and sessions of crazy golf!! In the evenings we would head off to the club house for the entertainment and then it was a walk back to the chalet with some chips- this was a real treat!!

Since having Oliver I have been keen to make sure he has family holidays that he will remember for years to come and right from when he was about three months old we took him away.

Our first ever holiday as a family was to Torquay where we introduced him to the sea for the first time (although being a tiny baby at the time he had no idea what was going on!!).
Over the years we have spent several holidays at Burnham On Sea and I think we would all agree that this is our favorite holiday destination.

I love a good caravan holiday and for Oliver as long as there is a swimming pool and an arcade he is very happy!!
I do love the British seaside and the fact that us Brits sit on the beach no matter what the weather! Also fish n chips taste so much better by the sea and are a must on each holiday!!
Sadly this year I don't think we will manage a trip to Burnham as the prices for the park we love to stay at have risen quite sharply. We did however manage a sun holiday to Brean earlier in the year (you can see the vlog of our holiday over on my YouTube channel) which was ok but I don't think we we shall be in a hurry to return!
Of course if I had the money I would love to go to Florida and take him to the theme parks but I hope that like me he grows up with fond memories of caravans, fish n chips and fun at the seaside!!
Don't forget to check out the other ladies also taking part this month!
Cathy Christy
Perelandra Sarah Steph