Welcome to this months edition of Plus 40 Fabulous and the theme for this month is what makes us happy.
I love my family and coming home from work to Mr S, Oliver and Bonnie the cat makes me smile everyday. When I first started blogging Mr S was the one encouraging me to keep going and has supported me all the way. I love the fact he will text me to see how I am during the day or bring me a cup of tea in bed!
I know I am biased but Oliver is lovely when I was ill before Christmas and came home from work in a state he rushed off to find me a blanket and gave me a hug!
Mr S and Oliver are like two peas in a pod!!!
Bonnie who has now really settled in
Nothing makes me happier than a family get together with my parents, brother and sister in law and my niece and nephew. I have fantastic parents who have supported me throughout my life and let me choose my own path.
My lovely mum
Oliver and his cousins
Paying the bills!
I know that sounds odd but bear with me- about a year and a half ago Mr S was made redundant from the only job he had ever known, which meant I was suddenly the breadwinner of the family and quite honestly terrified. I really didn't think we would cope on one income and I was worried that the pressure would be too much. Fast forward to Feb 2016 and my fears were unfounded we have paid the mortgage and all the bills every month and we have food in the fridge! When the unexpected happens it makes you appreciate everything you have and for me that is having a roof over my head and food in the fridge.
The best thing that blogging has brought me is friends, and although most of them are scattered throughout the country whenever we get the chance to meet it feels like I have known them all of my life.
The day that blogging no longer makes me happy is the day I have to stop but until then I shall continue to love my little corner of the internet!
Video Games
I have been a fan of gaming since the day my dad brought home a ZX Spectrum! When I want some downtime I immerse myself in a good game! My current favorite is Lego Marvel!
I am one of those people who will binge watch whole series on Netflix and if I really like something I will watch it over and over! I still re-watch West Wing, Twin Peaks, Buffy, Doctor Who, X Files and Parks and Rec-(mainly the last one as I like to swoon over Adam Scott).
Don't forget to check out the other ladies to see what makes them happy.