Plumber Hiring 101: What to Ask a Prospective Plumber

By Gfl

Since last week, your kitchen sink has been clogged. Whenever you wash fruits and vegetables, it takes so much time before the water drains. This has caused delay whenever you’re preparing meals for your family. It’s the same story with your bathroom sink and shower drain as well. Whenever you’re using your shower, you always end up stepping in a puddle of water. You know that it’s unsanitary and stressful at the same time. With your bathroom sink, water is dripping all over even if you still didn’t turn on the faucet. Experiencing these things in your kitchen and bathroom motivated you to hire a plumber. You think that all of these problems need professional help right away.

Any problem that involves your house shouldn’t be taken for granted. This can cause severe problems in the long run which will can cause permanent damage to your home. This can also put a hole in your pocket. To ensure that you’ll work with the best plumber, ask them these questions:

1. Are you licensed?

Once you meet with a plumber you’re eyeing to work with, this is the first question you should ask. You should know if they’re licensed or not. If you work with a licensed plumber, it means that they have the necessary skills and experience for the job. This also means that the state actually approved them to work as a plumber. Always choose a licensed plumber.

2. What is the total cost?

This is also one of the reasons why you should be careful on the plumber you’re going to hire – this will require money from you. As one way of preparing for the expenses, ask what the total cost will be of their plumbing services. Some companies will give you a rough estimate but don’t say “yes” immediately. You should ask if this estimate includes the materials, labor, and contingency for any problems that will happen along the way. The price you’re going to pay should be clear from the very start.

3. When do you want the payment?

Some plumbers will require the full payment before they start working while some, will only require a percentage and will ask  for the remaining balance in the coming weeks. This is also something which you should discuss with the plumber. This will enable you to budget your finances well. You don’t want to end up with unfinished work because you weren’t able to pay for the remaining amount, right?

4. Who’s doing all the work?

If you’re considering hiring a plumbing company, ask who will be working for you. Do they employ their own plumbers or do they outsource contractors? If they have contractors to help out, ask what their qualifications are. You can also inquire about the company’s hiring process to ensure that these contractors are trustworthy. If you’re not satisfied with the answers you’re getting, don’t be scared to cross them off your list.

5. Do you clean up your own mess?

You should always remember that plumbing companies will never be the same – some will clean up after they’re finished while some won’t. This is something which you should ask too. Inquire if cleanup is part of the fee you’re paying them and if not, ask why. There are also some companies which can offer cleanup services but with an additional fee. This is something which you can consider especially if the cost is worth it.

Work With The Best

It’s normal for any homeowner to experience a few plumbing problems once in a while – you just can’t expect that every facility in your home will in tip-top shape throughout the years. And while you can always call the local plumber in your area, like a La Jolla plumber, it’s still best to compare. You can end up working with the best plumber once you ask the questions presented in this article. This will guide on who to work with, so you won’t waste time and money with the wrong option.

About the Author

Mitch Kenney is the owner of Colepepper Plumbing in San Diego, California. He is an active real estate investor and also owns Pipes Media, a digital marketing firm specializing in SEO & PPC. Mitch enjoys surfing, drinking beer and spending time with his family.