Plugins Can Be Addicting!

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

Gotcha again, didn’t I? Nice pic!

Ok, back to business. This is the next installment of my Favorite WordPress Plugins!

We left off last time with Opinions Are Like Nipples, Everyone Has One.

So here we go!

Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions

Did you know every time you go back into a blog post and edit it (make a revision) it SAVES a copy in your database? This handy little plugin, based on your configurations that you set up, will Delete those revisions of posts and pages; Empty your Trash of comments, posts, and comments; Delete spam comments; Deletes ‘orphan postmeta items’; Optimizes your database tables; Creates a Log file of all it does; PLUS complete these tasks on routine basis (again, based on your configurations).

I have been using this one for about a month, after ditching another Optimizing Plugin that I had not been updated by the Developer in quite some time. I like this plugin because not only does it help my website and keep it clean from unwanted and unnecessary data but enhances my website speed. You may already be using a similar product to this and if so, please comment below and share it with us! Download via WordPress

Another important one imo is…….

WordPress Popular Posts

I know you’ve seen this “type” of plugin on the sidebars of some blogs. I also have it on mine, incase you missed it

I think this is an important plugin. Using WordPress Popular Posts you can HIGHLIGHT blogs posts based on certain criteria: Comments, Total Views, or Average Daily Views as well as Time Range (All-Time, 24 Hours, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days). You may choose to show a Thumbnail for the post; the Number of Posts to show; as well as a few more options.

When I see this on other blogs, it draws me in. I can’t help but start clicking the link and read what was so popular about that post. It also may make me Subscribe to a blog that I have not Subscribed to simply based on these blog posts alone.

Now back to you.

Do you use any of the above plugin’s and if so, how do you like them?

If you’re not using any of the above yet use a similar, care to share it with us?

On a side note, hopefully you’ve seen the multiple tweets about me deactivating the @MyGrlyPrts account. Well, it’s officially GONE as we speak. I decided on this for a couple reasons:

  1. I began having duplicate followers from my @PibblesNMe account (which btw is where YOU should follow me now)
  2. I was neglected my primary twitter @PibblesNMe
  3. It was just one too many social networks for me to use daily, especially with my new found love of Triberr. BTW, have you joined Triberr yet? Get your blog shared and seen….. head on over to Triberr now and sign up!