Time for a little more christmas deco around this blog...this year I got a bit obsessed with these 3 dimensional pleatedornament stars, you can vary them in size, cutting,paper etc etc. , so many possibilities- they are just pretty !
You can hang them on your tree or fix them as big stars as room installation, or maybe add these as ornaments on christmas gift packaging...
... or you arrange them together in some kind of a wreath-garland like a did this year:
1) fold paper in at least 6 pleats 2) fold it back and forth like shown on the picture
3) cut the pleats ( edges and inner parts) 4) tape the pleats altogether as a medallion
5) arrange them 6) glue them or tape them together 7) add some thick thread with hot glue
on the back and hang it on a pretty place !
Thats basically all, I also used them to realize some more ideas,
which I hope to show you in addition soon...