Please Welcome Author Sherry Gloag!

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone! I hope all is well with you! I’ve got a guest today, author Sherry Gloag! Please give her a warm welcome. Take it away, Sherry!

  1. Can you tell us a little bit about your writing process?

As a ‘pantser’ writer, my process is not very structured. My stories are predominantly character led, which means if they don’t cooperate my writing comes unstuck.

I’ve always believed that simply by writing independent scenes that can then be stitched together I could overcome writer’s block. The downside to that assumption is folders full of un/disconnected scenes which refuse to fit the puzzle of my story!

  1. What inspires you to keep writing?

The short answer is, the love of writing, but it is much more than that. It’s getting to know my characters and discovering why they want their tale told and the adventure of uncovering their story.

  1. What advice would you give an aspiring author?

Never give up.

Sometimes ‘life’ gets in the way and it is hard to imagine how you can keep on writing. But five or ten minutes here and there all add in the end.

When lack of self-belief takes over, try to remember you’re not the first writer this has happened to and you won’t be the last.  Some of the most famous writers have battled self-doubt at times, so you’re in good company!

  1. Who inspired you to keep writing?

On and off during my life I’ve had a yen to write. Agatha Christie, Ngaio Marsh, P.D.James, Ruth Rendal, Colin Dexter, Dorothy Sayers, all influenced my early forays into writing.  Georgette Heyer had a great impact and gave me hours of enjoyment, so, she too influenced me when I tried my hand a couple of Regency stories. There are too many contemporary writers to mention, but Nora Roberts is a front runner among them.

  1. What genres do you read?

My mood often dictates my choice of reading. I prefer a happy/satisfactory ending. I hate being ‘left up-in-the-air’, or feeling depressed at the end of a book.

Detective, mystery, some paranormal and romances all feature in my reading lists.

  1. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

The world-wide spread of ‘commercial democracy’ is probably one of the greatest evils around and effects everyone, and few people in a positive way.

  1. If you could sit down to dinner with one author, who would it be? And why? What would you ask him or her?

Oh, my goodness that is such a hard question to answer. Do I choose a contemporary author or someone from the past?

There are so many authors, from different genres, I would like to meet.

My questions would be very different. So I’m going to pass on this one.

  1. What is your ideal vacation spot?

I enjoy visiting new places and am much happier in the countryside or at the seaside. Short visits to a town or city are OK… just.

Photo credit: barnyz via VisualHunt / CC BY-NC-ND

  1. Do you have any writing quirks that help you write?

If listening to my characters is a quirk, then that’s it! Because when they go silent they story stagnates.

It doesn’t matter how much I ‘try’ to direct/redirect the story, it rarely works and then I’m in for a great deal of re-writing and unnecessary angst. If I have others, I’m so used to them I don’t recognize them as quirks!

  1. What is your favorite time of day to write?

In winter I prefer to write in the evenings. In spring or summer I prefer to start writing in the early mornings and if I don’t reach my goals I can then write again in the evenings.

Here’s a little about Sherry’s book!

Synopsis – Duty Calls

She’d saved his life…

Rafe Hawk refuses to accept the inheritance, of a large English estate, and the title that goes with it, after his birth father’s death because the man chose duty over the woman he loved and their son.

So when he finds himself temporarily living at Kinsale Hall, he’s not prepared to trust anyone associated with the place, including Trudi Delaney and her daughter.

So why, when he looks into their eyes, does he suddenly remember a woman who may have lost her life after a storm while saving his over a decade ago?

Now he could destroy hers.

Instinct warns Trudi Delaney the arrival of the contemptuous American architect at Kinsale Hall will change her life forever. Especially when she discovers he spends so much of his time in areas of Kinsale Hall off-limits to visitors.

Eleven years after escaping from her psychotic husband with a stranger, she’s still plagued by nightmares of events she can’t remember. Events such as, who fathered her beautiful daughter?

Now more than a decade later, she is confronted by another stranger. Will this one destroy everything she holds dear?


She knew too little about the past and he knew too much… or thought he did.


Exasperated, Rafe Hawk shifted his gaze from the window to his mother, a petite woman, sitting serenely on the sofa in front of him.

“We’ve covered this ground before. What more do I have to say, before you acknowledge I want nothing to do with Daniel’s estates?” Rafe’s glance flicked over the open letter lying on the table between them. “He may have sired me, but that doesn’t make him my father.”

Funnelling his fingers through his hair, he continued. “How many times do I have to say no? No, I will not go back.” He stuffed his fists into his pockets in an effort to conceal his rising frustration from Martha Hawk. “I don’t give a damn whether Kinsale Hall is entailed to me, or the man in the moon. Why should I?

“Only Daniel Kinsale and his solicitors knew I’d arranged to meet him. I told no one I’d changed my schedule and arrived in England a week earlier than expected, and yet Denny Cadmore somehow discovered both my plans and identity.”

Rafe glared at his parent. “Given those facts, tell me why I should stake a claim on a god-forsaken English estate, when everything and everyone who means anything to me lives here in the States?”

The drone of the old-fashioned overhead fan broke the ensuing silence. The oppressive heat stalked through the room sapping the energy from anyone or anything in its path.

“Rafe you’re making me dizzy, sit down and stop prowling around the room.” His mother patted the cushions beside her. “How many times do I have to tell you, you were born from love, not lust? Whether you like it or not, you are the legitimate heir to your father’s estate.”

A shaft of sunlight caught a few silvery streaks in her blonde hair.

“But born out of wedlock,” Rafe snapped, before realizing the words had queued up for release.

“Yes, out of wedlock.” She sighed. “I’ve never denied it, nor have I stolen your entitlement to your birth name. Your birth father…” She paused for a few seconds. “Daniel loved me.”

She continued on a wistful note, “I accepted he couldn’t divorce his wife and agreed we had no future together, only the present. I’ve explained why he felt duty bound to uphold his family’s expectations. Having you gave me reason to survive without Daniel. You are from the man of my heart.”

Rafe’s free hand crashed down on the table sending the letter floating to the floor. “If he loved you so much, how come another of his bastards crawled out of the woodwork? One whose birth certificate proves he’s ten days younger than me? How come the same bastard damn near sent me to my grave? Explain that if you can.”

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Author Bio

Best-selling author Sherry Gloag now lives in the beautiful East Anglian countryside in the UK. She spent her childhood in Scotland before moving to the Midlands of England.

After cutting her writing teeth with contemporary romance, Sherry tried her hand at light paranormal in her 2nd book of The Gasquet Princes series, His Chosen bride. Her next adventure, writing Regency stories, produced her best-selling novel, Vidal’s Honor.

When she’s not writing, Sherry enjoys walking gardening and her crystal craft work. “”It’s bit like writing When you’re in the ‘zone’ everything just flows. It’s a great feeling.

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