PlayStation Now, Old PS Game Streaming Capability, Announced

Posted on the 07 January 2014 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

Sony’s Andrew House revealed PlayStation Now at CES today, a game streaming service which provides instant access to its games library from previous generations including PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 3 as well as non-PS devices such as televisions, tablets, and smartphones.

“Soon, playing your favorite PS3 game on a tablet will become a reality,” Andrew House said.

CES attendees can test drive PlayStation Now at the Sony CES booth on Sony Bravia TVs and on PlayStation Vita.

House announced. “For the first time ever, you can play blockbuster PS3 titles including PlayStation Game of the Year The Last of Us and Beyond on a Bravia or PS Vita exclusively at the show.”

PlayStation Now will be accessed by subscribing or renting games.

A closed beta will occur in the United States at the end of January with expected launch in summer 2014.

Good one, Sony.
