Players (2024) Movie Review

By Newguy

Players – Movie Review

Director: Trish Sie (Pitch Perfect 3)

Writer: Whit Anderson (Screenplay)


Plot: New York sportswriter Mack has spent years devising successful hook-up “plays” with her friends, but when she unexpectedly falls for one of her targets, she must learn what it takes to go from simply scoring to playing for keeps

Runtime: 1 Hour 45 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Players starts as we meet three horny newspaper employees Mack (Rodriguez), Adam (Wayans Jr) and Brannagan (Prew). The three work together to get as many hookups as possible, using tricks along the way. However, when a handsome writer Nick (Ellis) arrives in their office, Mack sees it as a chance for her latest score.

Mack decides she wants a more serious relationship with Nick and uses her team to help make it happen. The team learn everything about Nick to help Mack get what she wants, but can they pull the plan off or not?

Verdict on Players

Players is a romantic comedy following a sports writer who spends most of her time working with her team to hook up. Her latest target is a handsome writer, but she decides she wants something more serious. The team works together to help her, but her plan comes with a string of problems they must overcome.

This is one of the typical cringe-worthy romantic comedies. It has a series of unrealistic people using shallow thoughts on what love is to get them through their lonely lives. Instead of just people themselves, they create fake personas to get what they want starting with them creating liars towards potential partners. The comedy never lands and the only thing that feels natural is the chemistry between the friends.

Where to Watch


Final ThoughtsPlayers is an unfunny, unromantic, dull movie.