Play Book

By Evette Garside @evette77

The Play book is wrote by Dr Amanda Gummer and is a book filled with useful tips, advice and practical fun inspiring ideas to help you child reach full potential.

The book is aimed at parents with a child from birth to five years. I was quite undecided when I first heard about it as to whether it would really be suitable for us, Izebella is now 2 and usually with many types of books such as this it always seems to be majority newborn to 1 year based with the odd page here and there for older toddlers.

I went ahead anyway and decided to get a copy to review. The book has approximately 200 reading pages and the first 115 are from birth to 2 years. I have had a brief glance through the first section just so I have an idea of what it's all about.

The newborn chapter (and first few months) is pretty much what you would expect which is lots of information on things such as reflexes, communication, development, and there is a section on play activity with a very your baby as of course even the very young ones enjoy play. There is also information on signs to spot that something may be wrong.

As the baby stage of the book goes on, new toys and activities can be introduced and chapter 3 also talks about weaning and fun with food from 6 months.

Chapter 6 is pretty much Izebellas stage now (2-3 years)

It begins with language and how many words a child of this age should be saying and putting together (Izebella is advanced). It also mentions food & drink and eating habits as well as development and again what to look out rid and do if something is wrong.

The book is mainly about focusing on play and the 2-3 years section offers up ideas for play such as matching, role play, ball games, memory. All the play activities are of course designed to enhance learning and development.

After each chapter there is a page to make notes and at the back of the book pages full of nursery rhymes and resources.

It's quite a good read and offers some useful tips and ideas. I think it would be really good for first time mums.
This book is due for public release on the 7th May, so not quite in the books hope just yet. However it can be pre ordered via AMAZON for £10.99.