#plaque366 Lady Ottoline Morrell

By Lwblog @londonwalks
NEW for 2016!
Many of you out there will be launching into the New Year with a Photo 366 – a project to take a picture every day of the year in 2016. It's a popular and fun way to document the year and to hone those photography skills.
As a tour guide for London Walks, and as a blogger, I never leave home without my camera and over the years I've amassed quite a stock of London images. So this year, my own Photo 366 will collect together a year's worth of commemorative plaques – Plaque 366.

Many of them will be blue – the English Heritage funded plaques - but, as you will see over the course of the year, they come in all colours and indeed all shapes and sizes.
Musicians, scientists, comedians, politicians, protests, places and publications will feature from all points of the London compass. Some will be tied to anniversaries, others posted at random.
Not only that, but… I'm taking requests! DROP ME A LINE or leave a comment below if you'd like to nominate a plaque for inclusion in the series…
Patron of the arts, Gower Street W1

(Here's an earlier post featuring a likeness of Lady Ottoline in less salubrious surroundings)

A London Walk costs £10 – £8 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at www.walks.com