Planting on My Mind

By Sue15cat

I've obviously got  planting things and growing my own food on my mind.  I slipped this magazine in my supermarket shopping trolley yesterday without even giving it more than a cursory thought.  
I had spotted the free seeds and gift on the front cover, and although the little plastic things look nothing, I have a little plastic dibber just like this that is hiding somewhere in amongst all my planting stuff over and over and it's the most used bit of kit ever for making holes and lifting seedlings carefully to re-pot ... and you just can't say no to more Kale and Chard seeds can you.

Then before I knew it as soon as I got home I was signing up for a full years subscription.  Well it would have been foolish not to ..... with thirty six pounds worth of seeds free for a £36 years subscription,  I'm either getting the magazine totally free of charge or a heck of a lot of free food for next year.  Did I mention that I have more than enough seeds for this year without any shopping.
But sometimes you just HAVE to treat yourself don't you  ;-)
Sue xx