So suddenly, mid-October I realize there are buds (yes plural) on this rose. The next time I look one is open so I quickly photographed it before the rain and wind destroyed it. I also checked it for scent as there is little point in a rose that has no scent (apart from the ones that I decide are ok without it). This rose has a good scent, sort of rosey-scent, which is no bad thing.
All in all I am happy with this rose, it is a nice clear pink and has grown reasonably well so far. I hope for good things from it next year.
The other plants in the trial are all growing well, the Aster x frikartii 'Monch' remains one of my favorite at the moment because it has flowered so well this year. It has been a real asset in the garden. The Anemone x hybrida 'Robustissima' and Geranium 'Tanya Rendall' have both flowered well too. I can honestly say that all the plants I have received have settled in and performed. I am just waiting for the Helleborus x hybridus 'Red Lady' to flower and then I think the full cycle of the trial is complete.