Plantedd Garden Party Sneaky Peek 2: Daylilies and a Pear Tree

By Plantedd @Plantedd

Another day and another delivery of plants for the Plantedd Garden Party!

The delightful Mark Diacono from Otter Farm has donated a dwarf pear 'Garden Gem' which will be the raffle prize for those who join us at the Glasgow Botanics on Friday for the talk on How To Grow Your Own Fruit at 12.30pm. 

And Pollie from Pollie's Daylilies sent perfect bare-root specimens of the following:

Hemerocallis 'Wineberry Candy'

Hemerocallis 'Grace and Favour'

This daylily was the cover star on the posters for the Chelsea Flower Show in 2008 and Pollie supplied it!

Hemerocallis 'Condilla'

Hemerocallis 'Roswitha'

Hemerocallis 'Spinne en Lache'

Hemerocallis 'Double River Wye'

Thank you to Pollie and Mark for supporting the fundraising for the Greenfingers charity.

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