Way back when in December 2020 I shared with you my review of the delivery of lots of exciting bulbs I had been sent to trial by Dutch Grown. I did not pay for the bulbs but my words and opinions are as ever my own. I am under no obligation to write this update.
The reason for writing the update now is that it is a good time for your bulb buying and usually it is around this time I start planning my autumn plantings. Narcissus Martha Stewart (above) performed brilliantly. What a great daff she turned out to be. I am generally not a fan of the pinker end of the daffodil flowere scale, but this one I liked and she flowered for weeks.
Tulip Mystic also was so pretty and flowered well.
Tulip Merlot blew my socks off! A big, deep red, long lasting flower. This is a stunning tulip.
an the Hyacinth 'Blue Eyes' I naturalised into the Wild Garden and it was a great success. The flowers and scent were very good. I am one of those people who cannot bear the scent of hyacinths in the house, but outside I love it.
Stay safe and be kind.