Plant of the Week: Trachelospermum Jasminoides

By Davis Landscape Architecture @DavisLandArch

Position: Flourishes in full sun to partial shade.

Soil: Moist but well drained.

Flowering period: Mid to late summer.

Eventual Height: 9m

Eventual Spread: indefinite

Hardiness: USDA Zone 8a-11a

Family: Apocynaceae

Trachelospermum jasminoides is an evergreen climber with a twining habit. It has oval, glossy, dark green leaves, some of which turn bronze red in winter. In mid to late summer it bears pure white flowers in terminal and axillary cymes.

Native to eastern and southeastern Asia, into Japan, Korea, southern China, and Vietnam, T. jasminoides is also known as Star Jasmine or Confederate Jasmine. Its fragrant flowers are used to make perfume and its stems are harvested for their usefull fibrous nature, to make ropes and textiles.

Trachelospermum is derived from the Greek trachelos meaning ‘throat’ and karpus meaning ‘seed’ with jasminoides alluding to its jasmine like properties (twining habit, flower and fragrance).

Trachelospermum jasminoides (15/05/2011, Paris)

Trachelospermum jasminoides (15/05/2011, Paris)

This plant is usefull to the landscape architect as an impressive evergreen fragrant climber. It should be noted that this climber is not the most vigorous compared to other climbers.

This plant will tolerate almost any soil conditions; it will be happy in acid, neutral or alkaline pH levels, in loam, sand, or chalk in a sheltered or exposed location but will prefer a south facing position.

These plants attract pollinating insects such as bees and butterflies.

The Royal Horticultural Society have given it their prestigious Award of Garden Merit.

Maintenance: This initial shoots of this climber may be tied to to its structure, once established it will twine itself around any support and continue to grow upwards. Congested, weak or badly placed shoots may be pruned out in spring.