Plant of the Week: Phyllostachys Angusta

By Davis Landscape Architecture @DavisLandArch

Phyllostachys angusta Stem (07/03/2012, Kew, London)

Position: Sun to dappled shade

Flowering Period: N/A

Soil: Moist, well drained

Eventual Height: 8m

Eventual Spread: 2.5m

Hardiness: 6b – 10b

Family: Poaceae

Phyllostachys angusta is a clump forming, evergreen bamboo. Its green/ yellow leaves appear in groups of 2 or 3, are linear with entire margins and are up to 17cm long and 2cm broad. Its pale green culms are very straight, have a hard texture and are up to 4cm in diameter. Its culm sheaths are cream in color with small brown spots. This plant spreads by underground rhizomes and can be very invasive.

The species Phyllostachys angusta is commonly known as Stone Bamboo, is native to China and possibly Japan. Its common name is derived from this bamboo having a hard textured culms, these are used to make bamboo furniture in China.

Phyllostachys angusta (07/03/2012, Kew, London)

The etymological root of the binomial name Phyllostachys is derived from the Greek phyllon ‘leaf’ and stachys ‘spike’. Angusta is from the Latin angustus ’narrow’,referring to the leaves.

Phyllostachys angusta may be useful to the landscape architect as a useful screening plant that is low maintenance. Caution must be excerciesd when specifying this plant due to its potentially invasive nature.

P. angusta is of little wildlife value in the UK.

P. angusta prefers moist, humus rich, well-drained soils. It tolerates most pH of soil.

P. angusta requires little to no maintenance. A root barrier may be installed at the time of planting to restrict the spread of this plant. The plant may be thinned out of required and spent canes may be cut back to the ground level.