Planned Parenthood: No Need to Tell Sex Partners You Have AIDS

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

HIV or human immunodeficiency virus is the virus that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS. Unlike some other viruses, the human body cannot get rid of HIV. That means that once you have HIV, you have it for life.

The virus is spread through body fluids such as blood, semen (cum), vaginal fluids, and breast milk. In the United States, HIV is most commonly passed from one person to another through unprotected anal or vaginal sex and through sharing needles or other drug equipment.

The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says in no uncertain terms that if one has HIV/AIDS, “Be sure that your partner or partners know that you have HIV. Then they will know it’s important to use condoms for all sexual activity and to be tested often for HIV.”

But Planned Parenthood says otherwise.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (good grief, I didn’t know Planned Abortionhood is global!) has a 20-page guide, Healthy, Happy and Hot, which IPPF describes as “A guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives.”

The guide begins with a lie:

Young people living with HIV may feel that sex is just not an option, but don’t worry — many young people living with HIV live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives. You can too, if you want to! Things get easier (and sex can get even better) as you become more comfortable with your status.

“Things get easier” when one has HIV? Really?

On page 3, the guide says:

Sharing your HIV status is called disclosure. Your decision about whether to disclose may change with different people and situations. You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status.

You know best if and when it is safe for you to disclose your status. There are many reasons that people do not share their HIV status. [...] People in long-term relationships who find out they are living with HIV sometimes fear that their partner will react violently or end the relationship.

The person with HIV can decide whether or not (“if”) to tell his sexual partner(s) that he has an infectious disease that can kill?

On page 6, the guide fumes:

Some countries have laws that say people living with HIV must tell their sexual partner(s) about their status before having sex, even if they use condoms or only engage in sexual activity with a low risk of giving HIV to someone else. These laws violate the rights of people living with HIV by forcing them to disclose or face the possibility of criminal charges.

Gosh, how unreasonable! Can you imagine there actually are horrible countries that have these horrible laws saying people with HIV, before having sex, must inform their sexual partners that they have a sexually-transmissible disease — a disease that can be fatal? That’s outrageous! Simply outrageous!

In other words, for Planned Abortionhood, it’s not about right or wrong. It’s not about one’s moral responsibility to not harm another. It’s all about selfishness — what I feel and what I want.

After all, as the Planned Abortionhood guide proclaims on page 7, “Young people living with HIV have the right to sexual pleasure”! Who cares if my pursuit of sexual pleasure means I transmit an incurable disease to other people?

Wheeeeeeeee!  It’s all about me!

In the words of satanist Aleister Crowley:

Do as thou wilt

H/t LifeNews
