Plains Or Prints?

By Kaye

When choosing fabric for a dress or for any clothing in general, what would you prefer? Plains or prints?

Both are genuinely beautiful in its own way. They both display elegance when worn in best styles and trends. Each has edge over one another. How gorgeous it will turn out all depends on how you mix and match. The limitations are endless and you can practically change the mood of anything and turn a dullish into chic.

Prints and patterns are clowns that give colors to the fabric. They add depth to what is already a glamorous of a canvas. They are happy designs and bring dazzle to the outfit. But prints and patterns are sometimes overdone and overstated thus outshining the one wearing it.

Do not wear prints and patterns from head to toe. You’ll look like a gift-wrapping paper 😄 nor a one-tone bright color. Neutralize the hues by mixing with plain fabric for a softer touch.

Plain is simple. No adornment. No flashy colors. No uncoordinated patterns. Unembellished. Undecorated. Is plain beautiful? Is plain elegant? Does wearing plain an understatement in fashion? Or is it sophistication?

For me wearing plain is a statement that you are taking a break from an overdo chromatic fashion tone. When your eyes set on something plain, you would only eye on the simplicity of the dress or the fabric itself. So what’s there left to appreciate when wearing plains? There’s more actually. Unlike prints, it won’t surpass your fineness hence flaunting your real beauty.

(All images used were from Mango Clothing)

Wether plains or prints, it’s up to your discretion to make it more pleasing to the eye. Don’t make plains too bare that you’ll almost get invisible and don’t overdo prints which will make like a walking candy wrapper. Learn to play with colors and designs that will bring out the best in you.

Remember, simplicity is elegance itself.

What’s your color scheme ladies, if you have any? Share it with us by leaving your comments below. We would love to hear from you.
