It's no secret that we love pizza. Pizza is truly a beautiful thing! It's so versatile and easily customizable. However, there are some ingredients that are pretty standard on the pizzas we like to make. One such ingredient is roasted eggplant. Oh! SO GOOD.
The roasted eggplant is really the focus of this pizza but the artichoke hearts provide a nice briny counterpart to the buttery, sweet roasted eggplant. The two ingredients work so well together.
Also, a good tomato sauce is always nice to have on there, too.
Roasted Eggplant...for pizza or pasta or sandwiches!
Ingredients2 large eggplant, sliced into 1 inch thick rounds¼ cup olive oil + more if necessarySprinkle of salt
DirectionsPreheat oven to 400˚F. Place eggplant on baking sheets and coat each side generously with olive oil. I like to apply the oil with a silicon brush. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until eggplant is golden and soft. Remove from baking sheets and cut or chop into quarters or whatever size you find manageable on a pizza.