Pizza Style..

By Marialiberati

copyright Art of Living,PrimaMedia,Inc./Maria Liberati

What's your pizza style? If you love pizza or should I say "who doesn't love pizza?" So this week's podcast is all about pizza style and easy ways to make pizza at home during 'stay at home'.. Pizza has a long history with Italy but in the USA many cities have a love affair with their pizza and express their unique style through their pizza. Check out the new podcast which will air tomorrow April 29th on

So what's your pizza style, post your homemade pizzas with #TheMariaLiberatiShow tell us your pizza style

and don't forget tell us What food means to you in an audio file of 60 minutes or less post it with #TheMariaLiberatiShow and you if it is chosen to be part of an upcoming podcast segment you will win a copy of The Basic Art of Italian Cooking..

Want to learn how to bake the best pizza at home while staying in listen to my interview from Tony Gemignani, world Pizza champion, multi pizza restaurant owner, pizza book author, and pizza expert, if anyone knows how to make a great pizza..Tony does..he is also

Listen tomorrow Wednesday, April 29th for The Style of Pizza on spotify and

and you can also check out my book The Basic Art of ...Pizza

The Basic Art of Pizza