Pip Update: 7 Months

By Nfldratheart @nfldratheart
From the eyes of a sweet little Pipster...
Mama and I got it together this time to post this update on time! I am 7 months old today, on my Grandpa's birthday (Happy Birthday Grandpa!)! We get to go to Auntie Crystal's this evening for supper, which is always fun because I love watching my older cousins run around. And exciting news, I have a younger cousin! He was born on November 27th, so he's still just little wee, but in not too long he and I will be tearing up the town together!
  I am a big boy, I can sit up all by myself. And I love to sit on the ground close to my big brother. We play with our toys together. I have been getting up a lot at night lately, and mama thinks I have more teeth coming. I know you're tired mama, but I can't help wanting to have some cuddles to make me feel better - please don't be upset, I promise to sleep better soon. Things have been really busy around our house, mama went to her first craft show, and now she's working on finishing up Christmas presents. She says she's working on something for me, but she hasn't even let me have a peak yet! I'm excited about my first Christmas, everyone assures me I will love it when I get older. But as long as I get to visit with all my family I'm sure this year will be great too!
I'm ready for Christmas, my outfit is washed and ready to wear - I hope everyone else is ready too!