Pinterest Spotlight: Round-up #2

By Catiebeatty @catiebeatty
Here's a round-up of my latest favorites from Pinterest.
 Festive yet cool. Found on Rivet & Sway's Look Stylish: Holiday Parties board
 Katie Rodgers is quite possibly my favorite pinner. All her boards are chock-full of beautiful and inspiring pins. She also pins a lot of her gorgeous fashion illustration, like the one above.
 Visit Alexa's DIY Fashion pinboard for fashion project ideas and inspiration
 I'm lucky to consider Nana a blogger friend. She's also a huge style inspiration! Visit her pinboard to see more of her street style.
 Tori's board, Fall Focus, won the Rivet & Sway pin-to-win I hosted a couple months ago. She has great taste.
My friend Camille's pinboard, MillieVixen Inspiration, is full of fun looks and styles that inspire her fashion designs.
Click here to see what pinners were featured in my first Pinterest Spotlight. If you're interested in being featured, leave a comment with a link to your Pinterest account. I'm always looking for new inspiration!