Pinterest Secret Boards Are Here!

Posted on the 09 November 2012 by Alizasherman @alizasherman

Yes, you can now create secret boards accessible to up to three people. Oh, the possibilities! Then again, I’m struggling to see a lot of need for these. Thinking…thinking…

Why would you want a Secret Pinterest Board?

Immediately, I think if I had something I simply didn’t want others to see, I could put it in a Secret Board. But since my favorite part about Pinterest is sharing pins publicly, I probably won’t be hiding any pins in the near future.

Here are a few business ideas:

  • Share ideas just between you and your client or vendors.
  • Collaborate privately with your team.

Most of the ideas I come up with, however, are more personal:

  • Keep those wedding plan ideas between you and your wedding planner.
  • Plan your vacation with your family members or friends.
  • Bookmark decor ideas to share with your decorator.
  • Make a gift wishlist to share with your honey.

One big shortcoming: You can’t make a board you’re in the middle of putting together secret. This feature would help eliminate the half-filled board syndrome that makes a Pinterest page looks messy. Oh well, we can’t have everything!

How will you use Secret Boards on Pinterest?