Pinterest-ing Links and Things...

By Livingnotes @livingnotesnyc
 My pinterest feed had a lot of very like-able pins pop up lately ( perks of following some awesome people), I want to share some with you today too. 
I may not be the most active "pinner" at the moment, but I am definitely a very much active "liker" , especially when it is 4:20 am and I am yet to sleep for the night because my little bundle decided to eat/play/sleep-in-my-arms-only.
 Here are a few things that, I personally took favoring to:
*  some very inspirational beautiful white interiors like this one, this, this , this or this one.
* these words are just about what i want at this very moment, and i wouldn't mind if it was here, or here, or here
* this is just beautiful. or this , this , this , this or this.  i need 9 cat's lives to be able to fit everything i want to do in this life and all the places i want to see, experience and live in.
* some very useful advice about nursing . i never knew, but tried and it's true!
* july's very own super food, and some surprising variations, and this one is very much favored by me ( and not only me) lately.
* 10 minutes in the morning will change your life if following this. fyi for dancers : it will upkeep your proper muscles and , amazingly, technique too, even if you are not taking a regular class. got to be something about focus and mind-body connection.
* not that i am, but i do want to get it - looks very intriguing and interesting!
* loving some styles lately, like this, this, this or this. simple, modern and carelessly chic.
* this and this makes me want to be on stage and performing again. it never fails, but two months is my personal "limit" to the break i can take from it. a class has to do for now, but i am beyond excited for the season to start, hard work and all.
* seeing this cover made my heart bleed a little, and memories like this, this, this, this or this came overflowing. i can give you 1001 reason why i do love it and i can't wait to go back, crazy at it may sound. i - and we all are - am definitely in "my element" there.
* and posts like this keep popping up on my feed, subtly reminding that the summer is nearing the end ( school starts in 3 weeks - crazy!) and my absolutely favorite fall season is on the doorstep!