Pinned. Posts Resume As Normal Below| Freelance Writer Interns Wanted

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

Do you have a passion for writing? Or perhaps you are a health obsessed foodie keeping up with the latest health food trends and all things gluten free ? Or do you take beautiful food photos and want to show off your talent?

If the answer is “YES” to any of the above, The Gluten Free Chef Blog wants you!

We are welcoming prospective applications for ‘Feature Freelance Writers” (Unpaid)

The position will feature recipes, commentary and guest posts in the realm of clean eating, paleo eating, vegetarian,vegan, gluten free, dairy free and related topics.

The position is ripe in opportunity and provides you the chance to acquire valuable experience ‘in free lance writing as well as the opportunity to connect with a broad range of readers from all over the world and promote your own blog or site.


For the Feature Freelance Writer position, please drop an email to with the following:

* Your name, age, and location (can be anywhere!)

* What type of writing you’d wish to contribute (Food/Recipes/Health Commentary)

* A brief paragraph about yourself and what you can bring to The Gluten Free Chef Blog

* Samples of your written work in .doc format (food writing only)

* A recent photo of yourself


All in all, we’re eager to take on talented individuals with a genuine and love authentic for clean living. We look forward to hearing from you!