Keep Out by Kim Newberg" target="_blank">
The start. When we bought our first home, we had no idea that other home security companies existed, other than ADT, of course. We discovered Pinnacle home security after looking for a home security monitoring service that offered an option to have a home security system without use of a home phone (land line). We have decided to spread the word through a Pinnacle home secuirty system review.
Home phone? At the time, we had ADT and were considering ridding ourselves of the $30 a month fee for a home phone that we simply never used. We were paying over $30 a month for phone and over $30 for home security. It just made sense to try to find a way to remove the expense. We contacted ADT and inquired about a cellular based system. ADT told us that it would cost $200 to install the upgrade to cellular and an extra $5 a month for monitoring, and, to top it off, they consider cellular a "secondary" form of notification, so if there was a burglary, they would not pay for the homeowner's insurance deductible as stated on their "guarantee" certificate. Since we were past our current contract date, we told ADT to pound sand.
Pinnacle Home Security. We found Pinnacle, and when we bought our new home, we had Pinnacle installed. The installer removed our old security system "brain" and replaced it with a simple to use keypad. We now have the safety of a home security system without the need for a home phone. Bonus!
Price. Yes, Pinnacle costs more than a traditional ADT home security system (for system monitoring), but the overall cost is less, since we have no need for that pesky home phone. We currently pay under $50 total.
The down side. If memory serves, ADT had us sign a three year contract. If we violated the contract (terminated early), there was an early termination penalty equal to a reduced portion of the contract. However, with Pinnacle, we had to sign a 44 month contract and if we break it, we buy it. Meaning, if we want to simply stop paying, or stop service, we have to pay for the entire contract. Do the math, it is not good. We do see ourselves needing a security system for the remainder of our lives, so it is not that much BadMoney in our eyes.
Thanks for reading our Pinnacle home security system review. Please feel free to comment below or contact us directly!