Pin It Right The First Time!

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

Are you a Pinterest fan?

I know some of you are because when I open my Pinterest stream, y’all have been busy Pinners!

Now let me ask you this, do you ever check the Image Name when you Pin It?

What am I talking about?

Check this out. When we write a blog post, we need to upload media (images) to our WordPress/Blogger or whatever else you use. This is what it looks like:

Check the Title on your image. This is the file name of your image. So when this image get’s PINNED, this will show up.

What should you do?

Change that Image file name prior to uploading!

Do you see that? There is the Title to my blog post! That way, when my image is PINNED, there is the Title of my blog!

Mind you, if you wanted to, after you upload your image you can still change the Title of it, as long as you remember too!

Let’s check out these pins!

This is an image I wanted to pin, however, who knows what the hellO “336b-Harmony_green_400px” means? Would that make you want to repin the image or click on it to see what it’s about? NOT ME!

Let’s check another pin!

Here’s another one I wanted to PIN. See how awesome that looks? Now if there was just an image there without words, the Title underneath would still let you know what the PIN is about and help others CLICK it to follow to your blog!

Isn’t that easy?

Well it definitely makes it easier on your Pinners so that they don’t have to manually change your Image File Name to your Blog Article Name. That is actually very nice of them if they do that!

So do yourself and your Pinners a favor, be sure to rename those images to something of substance, preferably the Blog Article Title! I rank this up there with my other PEEVE with those people who STILL do not have their @Names with their Twitter buttons!  REFRESHER:  Let Your Twitter Share Button Help You Gain Recognition!

Happy Pinning!