Pimping Your Blog; Should You Do It for Votes?

Posted on the 30 March 2012 by Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum


My Twitter stream is full of them, I am guessing yours are too. The 2 what I would call big awards are on and the bloggers are going wild. It seems The MADS and The Brilliance In Blogging awards are the hottest and most desirable news on the Blogsphere.

Yes I got caught up in it too, its difficult not too when you blog your guts out and hen you hear of such awards being given, you want a piece of the action too right?

I was shocked and sincerely touched to hear I had reached the short list for Brilliance In Blogging awards not in one but two categories and I immediately got sucked in. I pimped myself out both on Twitter and on my blog, writing a heartfelt thank you but please vote for me post aswell as adding the badges to my blog, in the hope of other readers voting.

This has taught me a valuable lesson.

For those few days I lost sight of why I blog and what I blog for. I wanted to make sure if anyone had a spare vote they would give it to me, so I begged for votes. I was on a mission. It was a few days later it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had lost who I was.

I forgot the reason I blog; because it keeps me out of the shrinks office, because it gives me that warm feeling inside when one of posts I write inspires or helps a reader in some way. I blog to help others and to help myself. I blog because I love it and because it has given me an amazing opportunity to meet so many beautiful and talented people I never would have met other wise.

I lost the passion for the blog and had my eyes set on the trophy, a badge, an award, my name in lights. That is not me, that is not why I blog.

While I agree having awards for bloggers is a great incentive, I know so many will feel rather crap, like I will when/if they win nothing. Its all part of blogging I hear you cry, yes it is but its difficult not to take it personally, when you don’t see your name there in that category you feel you worked so hard towards. I know, I have been there and felt it.

You feel useless, not good enough and loose faith in yourself and your blogging talents.

While awards have many positives they also have a downside, only a small few of the thousands of bloggers can win. To be honest I struggled to nominate the blogs I loves, as there are so many of them and I tried to stay clear from the well known ones, as I feel they have a head start on the newer bloggers.

I don’t know about you but I get fed up of always seeing the same blogs winning things, maybe its time a few of the newer bloggers got noticed as Newbies have to work twice as hard I find.

Pimping Your Blog – Should you do it for awards I ask you? What are your views?