Pier 46, Hudson River Park, New York

By Davis Landscape Architecture @DavisLandArch

Hudson River Park ‘Pier 46′, New York, USA – Side View of Pier

Located on the west shore of Manhattan, from Hells Kitchen, past Chelsea and Greenwich Village to Tribeca, is Hudson River Park. This is a linear park following the shore side of West Street. This is an ongoing project of pier rebuilding and public realm improvements to the shore line. Public funding for the project commenced in 1999 and continues to this day.

Hudson River Park, New York, USA – Map

Pier 46 is one of the completed Hudson River Park projects. This pier by its nature form a linear park which juts out into the Hudson River, providing a cooling breeze on a hot summers day. This park performs the function of a programmable space with summer cinema screenings, yoga classes and educational events.

Hudson River Park ‘Pier 46′, New York, USA – Pier 46 Entrance

Hudson River Park ‘Pier 46′, New York, USA – Disabled Access to the Lawn

At each end of the pier a grove of trees has been planted, under which bench seating has been placed. The groves are planted at a slightly raised level so as to allow for a suitable depth of topsoil to enable these trees to thrive.

Hudson River Park ‘Pier 46′, New York, USA – Tree Providing Shading for Seating

Hudson River Park ‘Pier 46′, New York, USA – Stand of Trees at the End of Pier

On the day I visited the Pier 46 several groups of friends were chatting at the tables and fishing in the deep water off the end of the pier. The piles in the water off the end of Pier 46 were retained as a valuable habitat for fish.

Hudson River Park ‘Pier 46′, New York, USA – Fishing at the End of the Pier

To each long edge of the pier a raise promenade is located. Three planters at promenade level are space evenly along the south promenade. Between the two promenades a sunken synthetic grass lawn space has been created. As the lawn is synthetic little maintenance is required and build up to it foundation can be kept t a minimum.

Hudson River Park ‘Pier 46′, New York, USA – Barrier to the Edge of the Pier

Hudson River Park ‘Pier 46′, New York, USA – Tree Planting to the Edge of the Lawn

Hudson River Park ‘Pier 46′, New York, USA – Synthetic Grass Lawn and Edging