Picture of the Day

By Gldmeier @gldmeier

A cow (bull maybe?) was spotted walking pleasantly, minding its own business, down the Highway of Road 1 - the Jerusalem - Tel Aviv highway. I didnt see any report of what eventually happened - was it caught? redirected off the main road? something else? Initially the security and emergency services got involved in both directing traffic and the cow.
Caption of the Day:
Nothing happening here, just the newest model of the Ford Taurus on display.bad timing - The verse "Though shalt not muzzle an ox when it is treading in the grain" is still a couple weeks away..just going home now from the protest march to Jerusalem a couple of weeks ago..
The Chief Of Police was seen (2nd pic above) in a vehicle riding with the door open and standing on the edge as they approached the cow. I am not sure what his plan was - was he going to jump on it and ride off in the sunset? Was he going to lasso it? Was he just going to take a selfie? Was he going to taser it with the taser on his hip? Something else?
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