Pictogram Movie Posters by H-57

By Ningauble @AliAksoz

Minimalistic movie posters and movie pictograms are REALLY popular these days. There gems come from designer Matteo Civaschi of Milan-based creative studio H-57. This set takes some of the most popular movies and condenses their plots down to their most basic forms.

“This new set of stories shows our passion for the great, super-popular movies of all time,” Civaschi tells us. “You have the movies that made the world cry (E.T.), scream (AlienThe Shining), think (The Matrix), hope (Robin Hood), and so on. Each movie, if it’s really great, can create a whole new world, tell a story that’s never been told before, and give life to unforgettable characters.”

They are cleverly done but Lord of the Rings poster is a little bit too much condensed, don’t you think?
