Picking Your Own Veggies at Schnepf Farms

By Jeska @WandererJeska

There’s just something more gratifying picking and choosing your own fruits and veggies at a farm than at a store. You can see where its grown, its surroundings, etc. Though we live in sunny Arizona and there aren’t many farms in sight, we do have one about 30-40 minutes away at Schnepf Farms.

In the late 60’s, Ray Schnepf began growing Potatoes used for potato chips. The Schnepf’s continued to diversify in the 70’s planting Queen Palms, Mexican fan palms and pine trees in a large field. Before long the Schnepf’s were farming over 5000 acres and shipping vegetables across the country.

We decided to head out one weekend and explore all the farm had to offer. The farm not only had plenty of veggies, they also had a little shop & cafe open for visitors to cool off and have a snack. All you have to do is grab a bucket and be on your way!