Pick4call- Local Search Engine Review

By Subha Bose
Hey you all! It is always a convenience to sit back home, avoiding all the rush, traffic and crowd and most of all the time to get dressed up to go out shopping! At this point of time we have everything stacked online for our accessibility from beauty and jewelry to electronic appliances and every other household stuff one can need. What adds a cherry on top is that we get it all under coupons and deals that save us quite a noticeable amount of cash online or offline. There are number of such coupon websites out of which one is www.pick4call.com it is a local search engine that provides local services and online coupons, exclusive discounts & offers. You can get latest deals & coupons of more than 300+ E- commerce Sites here all at one place.
Pick4call was launched in year 2014. All the latest coupons and offers are sorted on the coupons and deals page; on their homepage you’ll find every leading website’s referral coupons like Snapdeal and Paytm. Just a click away and all the coupons at your access!
There are sorted categories under which you can shop easily like best discounts and offers, best deals according to cities, local services etc. you can even subscribe to their daily offers by signing up wth your e-mail id.

If you want to shop something from in and around Mumbai like beauty and spa or food and drink etc, just click on Mumbai under the specified category on home page. And then proceed to search for your latest deals like Dominos, resorts and spas, parlours etc. with the coupons there will be mentioned the amount you will save as compared to the original amount! Also will be mentioned about the offer’s expiry date after which it will not be valid for use.

For instance if you are looking for a specific product from Snapdeal you just have to click on that category to avail the discount. In the recent time, there is 60% off on the Kitchen appliances which will get expired in 3 days…which is how the usual system works.
Another helpful category is their local services like taxi services, repair and services, weddings, fitness centers, astrology, doctors/chemists etc. these are some offline services having deals and offers which makes it easy for customers to shop offline too if needed. Assuming you choose hospitals, click on it and you will be introduced to various options under it like eye doctor, children’s doctor, dentist, vet etc. after which you will have numerous addresses in accordance to your city. This is one new addition to coupon websites which is quite refreshing and useful for people who wish to ease out their job!
Let’s head on to the website’s pros and cons which will help us to conclude Pick4call-

•Only the latest coupons
•Own blog for detailed description
•Convenient and sorted navigation across the website
•Subscription to daily discounts


•Expiration of deals
One disadvantage against so many advantages doesn’t stand out when it comes to online shopping along with exciting deals on our favorite products. One of the interesting things I find is the deals I get on recharge and data packs from paytm and such websites, they really are a bonus to our lives!
Posted by: Prathistha