Pick of the Week: My New Feature.

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
Welcome to my new feature that will hopefully be a weekly thing:
This is an idea i have been planning for a while and think people might enjoy it as it will help to promote other peoples work and bring in a bigger audience.
So this is how it is going to work:
1. I will pick a video for the week and promote it on the blog post for that week. (it could be gaming related, vlog, science, news, comedy or something totally different)
2. I am going to promote some blog post from other people to help the community grow so i will pick a blog post or blogger and provide the readers with a link and a small description.
3. I am going to pick a product of the week be them old or new, these will be random and give people ideas about products and were to get them at the best price. i will also provide a link and small review about the products.
I hope you will all enjoy this little blog idea i have had and it will help promote a few more content providers and products worth owning.
Thanks for reading and support the blog.