Pi Day 2013

By Monicasmommusings @mom2natkatcj

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I’m no math whiz, but I do love pi, or maybe it’s pie I love.  Either way today is 3/14 and that means it’s Pi Day.  Probably one of the few things I actually remember from my upper level math classes, since as suspected I do not in fact need algebra and geometry in my day to day life, is that Pi = 3.14.  Then there’s a whole mess of other numbers that follow, but that was ingrained in me in school.  The value of Pi = 3.14.

I do wish I remember more of my Algebra and Geometry and the Pre Calculus I took in college.  Now that my children are getting into the upper grades I feel like I’m really relearning all of this stuff.  Which stinks because when my daughter comes to me with her PEMDAS (parenthesis, exponent, multiplication, division, add, and subtract – hey look at that I remembered something else) problems and her Distributive Property questions I’m looking online trying to refresh my memory on this stuff and how it all works.  Then I have to try to explain it to her.  Needless to say, she doesn’t come to me for help with her homework much these days.

And the truth of it all while I remember that Pi = 3.14 and I know what the symbol for Pi looks like I had to look up what its purpose was just to write this blog post.  And when I saw it I was like, oh yeah, duh.  So Pi is a constant in math that is the ratio of its circumference to diameter of a circle.

Makes sense that Pi would have something to do with a circle, because the pie we eat is round.

So what’s the point in all of this?  Well, I don’t really know.  Remember, I’m in a blogging funk.  I needed something to write about.  And when it dawned on me it’s Pi Day I thought this would be fun.

Facts About Pi

I know you all come here for the math lessons.  Hey, I did after all teach you all the ladder method of division.  I’m a wealth of math knowledge for you all.  So lets talk about Pi.

  • Pi is an irrational number which goes on forever, never repeating itself.
  • The symbol is a Greek letter which was first used in 1706 by William Jones.
  • Pi has been calculated to over 1 trillion numbers past its decimal.
  • With Pi you can find the Area of a circle (A= πr²) and the Volume of a cylinder (V=πr²h).
  • The first 144 digits of Pi add up to 666.
  • Albert Einstein was born on this day (3/14/1879).
  • The official celebration of Pi day begins at 1:59 P.M. on 3/14 to signify the beginning numbers of Pi (3.14159).

There’s so much interesting information out there about Pi.  It’s fascinating to not find patterns in a number.  I personally love patterns.  Seriously, the fact that my youngest daughter was almost born on the 3rd was annoying the heck out of me since we are a family of 1s and 2s.  Luckily she kept with the 1s and 2s in a big way since there are nothing but 1s and 2s in her DOB.  I am such a stickler for numbers you might also notice I always always schedule my posts for a round time, except today.  Today I have this post scheduled for the official start time of Pi day celebration 3-14-1:59.

Now let us eat pie.

What interesting facts do you know about Pi?