PHOTOS: 20 Images to Inspire Travel

By Latitude34 @Lat34Travel
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So… let me just be honest, I could write the best article in the world explaining to you why you should travel, but realistically, you’re still not going to. Since I am a photographer and a visual learner, I thought it would be best to show you why you should travel. In all honesty, it doesn’t really matter where you go, it’s the fact that you’re getting out in the world. There are millions of places that you can visit and it doesn’t even have to be far from home.

Here are 20 images that I hope will inspire you to get out and see some of the beautiful world we live in!

Batu Caves, Malaysia Paris, France Long An, Vietnam Cairo, Egypt Jerusalem, Israel Amsterdam, Netherlands Maafushi, Maldives Cairo, Egypt Amsterdam, Netherlands Berlin, Germany Salla, Finland Dubai, United Arab Emirates Budapest, Hungary Ben San, Vietnam Istanbul, Turkey Jerusalem, Israel Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Prague, Czech Republic Malé, Maldives Phuket, Thailand



Marina Dominguez is the co-founder of Latitude 34 Travel Blog as well as a photographer and documentary film maker.

As a maturing women, Marina has dedicated her life to travel and new experiences. After working a 9-5 cubical lifestyle, Marina sold everything she owned, left her job and begun a new life with her best friend and travel companion, Jeff Johns. Together they relocated to Phuket, Thailand and founded Latitude 34 in which they seek to share their alternative lifestyle with the world.

Marina is a Visual Journalism graduate of Brooks Institute of Photography where she studied photography, videography and ultimately caught the travel bug. Through creating several international documentaries, Marina realized there was more to the world than work and wanted something more.