A model of one of the earliest trams used in Stuttgart dating back to the late 1800s.
I really didn’t know what to expect from Tram World, but when the opportunity came up for a guided tour in English with the Met Club (an international club based in Stuttgart) I figured why not? Our volunteer guide was wonderful and enthusiastic as he explained that the first trams were pulled with horses and that the drivers sat outside for 12 hour shifts, often in freezing temperatures. He probably was wishing he was driving people to their apartments in Romewhere it was warmer instead of being in Stuttgart.
One of the early trams used in Stuttgart.
Unlike today, riding the trams in the early days was a status symbol, something only the upper-middle class and the rich could afford. The poor couldn’t afford the price of a ticket and were stuck walking. I’m guessing Rome apartments were also out of reach for the poor in those days.
This tram may look familiar if you've been to the Czech Republic.
Trams are expensive and when trams need to be replaced Stuttgart often sells trams to other countries, especially the Czech Republic, so if you’re wondering why there is German writing in your tram car in the Czech Republic, now you know why.
Previously party trams were available for rent in Stuttgart, but not today unfortunately.
One of my favorite parts of visiting Stuttgart Tram World was seeing the party tram, which used to be available for rent by large groups, who could often been seen dancing in the tram as it worked its way through the streets of Stuttgart. Unfortunately it’s no longer available for rent, but it is possible to take a vintage ride on Sundays in Stuttgart or host your own celebration at Tram World, which used to be a former tram depot, complete with tracks and markings on the floor. It’s the perfect ambiance for a tram museum, but a wedding or other formal event? I’m not so sure. I enjoyed Stuttgart Tram World a lot more than I thought I would, but this was in large part to our volunteer guide who was passionate about keeping the history of trams alive. Had I just gone on my own, I wouldn’t have gotten as much from it. Stuttgart Tram World is definitely not as slick as the Mercedes-Benz Museum, but the museum has character and I didn’t realize how little I knew or had admittedly thought about trams until visiting Tram World.
This photo has been submitted as part of Travel Photo Thursday by Nancie at Budget Travelers Sandbox and to Delicious Baby for Photo Friday. Check out their sites for more travel photos.