Photography Spotlight: Phil Hanlon and Teo Kefalopoulos

Posted on the 09 March 2020 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia

After Nazir Eckhlass and David Gillanders, the spotlight is on Phil Hanlon and Teo Kefalopoulos!

The photos below are very different from each other. But they always put me in the best mood possible. 🙂

Phil Hanlon: South Dakota, Wyoming (2016) - Source: Roaddog52

The light and clouds, and the texture of the Badlands are mesmerizing, don't you think?

Teo Kefalopoulos: Inner Apnea (2016) - Source: Flickr

This is one of the most extraordinary long-exposure photos I have ever seen! Teo excels at minimalist photography.

Now, it's your turn to speak. What are your favorite photos?