Photographer of the Week: Kevin Kunstadt This Image Makes Me...

By Briennewalsh @BrienneWalsh
Photo Post

Photographer of the Week: Kevin Kunstadt

This image makes me sick with longing for the Dolomites (the Italian Alps), where it was taken.

Incidentally, Kevin and I took beginning Italian together our sophomore year at Brown. He’s one of only ten people to have witnessed me singing “A Time To Say Goodbye” (Il Mio Cuore Va), while wearing a pleather miniskirt and a choker, Sarah Brightman style, during a presentation.

An exhibition of this image, and others, is currently up at Smith College. You should also check out his gallery—also his apartment, the last time I was there—which shows killer work by emerging photographers. It’s called K&K, and it’s right down the street from Diner in Williamsburg.