Hi, my name is Kari and I watch the “Jersey Shore.” I love it…so much so that I incorporate such words/phrases into my vernacular:
- “I know I’m not the smartest crayon… but we can make a party”
- “Let’s get wasty-pants”
- “Where’s the beach?” (Say while screaming at top of lungs)
- “I wanna go to the gymmm”
In preparation of Jersday…I discovered a photo to make you giggle like a fool:
Photo Courtesy: usmagazine.com
Bahahahahhaha…guess whooooo? Yes, It is Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino. He looks like such a gentleman here. But I know better…I read the gospel of Snooki:
Snooki on Mike: “That’s what you get for being a fucking douchebag.”
How does a man go from a bow tie to this:
Photo Courtesy: celebritysmackblog.com
Dear Mike, Stop shaving the sides of your head! Along with that, stop being a fucking douchebag. Love, Kari