Photo Journal | Heidi Swapp

By Midwesterngirl @MidwesternGirl5
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
If you follow me on Instagram - and I hope you do! - you may have seen that I spent my morning yesterday "speed-documenting."
I gathered some photos and some embellishments (pieces from the four new Heidi Swapp Embellishment Kits) and my Life Theme Book (an awesome new photo journal...also from Heidi) and got to work gettin' some stories told.
It took me the better part of the morning and into early afternoon - but I finished! 
Here it is...
Memory Keeping in Real Time - Photo Journal | Maggie Massey for Heidi Swapp
...and here are the pages I finished...
Memory Keeping in Real Time - Photo Journal | Maggie Massey for Heidi Swapp
Memory Keeping in Real Time - Photo Journal | Maggie Massey for Heidi Swapp
Memory Keeping in Real Time - Photo Journal | Maggie Massey for Heidi Swapp

I couldn't size down this photo - so I simply clipped it over the photo opening...easy peasy...

And there they are! Yayayayay!
I still have 4 or 5 pages to complete...but I'm not worried...I can whip those out in no time.
I think it's important to point out a few things...
  • There are ABSOLUTELY NO RULES when it comes to documenting - if you want to include something, include it - if you don't, don't.
  • There are no "small" stories...and you don't have to limit your documenting to only your sunshine and rainbow stories...tough times are just as important to your journey.
  • Don't worry about over-embellishing (unless, of course, you want to!)...this real-time documenting is all about the stories. And the stories don't have to be novels! Just a few words can spark a million memories...try it - you'll see...
  • Unless it's important to you, you don't need to document chronologically. Again, just tell the stories. 
  • Don't stress about this! We all have busy schedules - we all have a million things to do RIGHT THIS MINUTE. When you have a minute or two (in-between checking your email and Facebook posts maybe), pop a photo into a page and quickly write something down. This doesn't have to be an all-night process.
  • The photos you use do not have to be award-winning, perfectly-lit masterpieces...blurry, poorly-composed, badly-lit photos are just fine.
  • Start where you are! Please don't worry about "catching up" - you'll never get anything done.
and, most importantly,
Thank you so so much for stopping by! 
The photo journal Life Theme Book and all of the embellishments I used in my book can be found at Michaels stores right now! Yayayayay! Just look near the Project Life albums and you should see everything...
Click below to see all of the items available in the Heidi Swapp Memory Keeping Collection:
Life Theme BookFavorite Theme BookTravel Theme Book
Family Embellishment KitMemory Planner Embellishment KitTravel Embellishment KitTime Capsule Embellishment Kit
Also used in this post: WeR Memory Keepers Typecast Typewriter: Pink