Photo Diary: October

Posted on the 03 November 2014 by Krickeyb

It seems as though this year is flying by. I can’t believe it is November already. October, like most months this year, treated me well. I have little to no complaints whatsoever. I think the only thing that would have made October perfect would be if the Nationals won the world series. But, hey, there’s always next season (pretty much the motto for all Washington, D.C. sports fans).

The biggest news to share from October is that I was accepted into the Strategic Communication Master’s Program at American University. I will begin classes in January. I am very excited to work towards receiving my M.A. and accomplishing many of my career goals! Thanks to all of you who supported me during this process because it was a long one! As for the rest of October, I will let you check out the photos and see what I have been doing! Like usual, the gallery of photos is below!

I hope your October was wonderful and the rest of your year is fantastic! Also, if you haven’t checked out Jack Flacco’s newest book that was released this month, you should! So long October, hello November.