Philosophy of Cosmology Postdoc (Rotman Institute)

By Wuthrich

The Rotman Institute invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Philosophy of Cosmology. The Fellowship will provide a new scholar in foundations of physics with a unique opportunity to pursue research in collaboration with physicists and philosophers.

The Fellow will be supervised by Chris Smeenk. He or she will benefit from joining an active group of postdoctoral fellows working at the Institute, as well as interactions with faculty. Within the philosophy of physics, faculty pursue topics in the foundations of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and history and philosophy of space-time theories, as well as in connections between physical theory and general questions in methodology, epistemology, and metaphysics.

The Postdoctoral Fellowship has a duration of two years. The initial appointment is for one year, with renewals annually conditional on satisfactory performance. The Fellow will have an office within the Rotman Institute. Fellows are required to involve themselves fully in the research life of the Institute by conducting research leading to peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations, and by participating in conferences, research groups, reading groups, and outreach activities. The Fellow will be asked to write a review of recent work in philosophy of cosmology in the first year of the fellowship.

The Fellowship is generously supported by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation, and is conditional upon finalizing the grant agreement.  Smeenk is the PI on the grant, with Jim Weatherall and John Manchak (UC Irvine) as co-Investigators.  The postdoctoral fellow will be primarily based at the Rotman Institute, but there will be opportunities to work with Weatherall, Manchak, and other collaborators on the grant.

See the full advertisement for further details, and instructions for applying.  Scholars who applied to a postdoctoral fellowship at the Rotman Institute last month will automatically be considered for this position, and do not need to re-submit application materials.  Please direct any questions to Chris Smeenk.