Phase 3 Lockdown Changes for Scotland Starting 10th July

By Emma @glasgowfoodie

Lockdown changes as Scotland enters Phase 3

Scotland is now moving into Phase 3 of the route out of the Covid lockdown.  With the coronavirus now being stated as being “low level”, there are many new rules in place, and lessening of others.

People will be allowed to meet up in extended groups outdoors, and with two other households indoors, from Friday.

Face coverings in shops will be mandatory.

Couples who do not live together will no longer have to physically distance.

A maximum of 15 people from up to five different households will be allowed to meet outdoors, as long as they stay 2m apart.

“Limited” indoor gatherings can also take place, with a maximum of eight people from three different households allowed to meet.

Dates and Actions

Friday 10th July

Mandatory face coverings in shops and other retail.

Outdoors – a household can meet up to 4 other households at a time – up to 15 people in

Indoors – a household can meet up to 2 other households at a time – up to 8 people in
total. This includes overnight stays.

A house can meet up to 4 other households per day in total.

The limit on the number of other households you can meet per day (indoors or
outdoors) does not apply to young people who are under 18.

Children aged 11 or under no longer need to physically distance indoors. Young people
aged 12-17 must continue to physically distance.

Extended Households: All non cohabiting partners (and any children under 18 in
the household) can form extended households without physical distancing.

Monday 13th July

Non-essential shops inside shopping centres can re-open (following guidance and with physical distancing).

All dental practices may begin to see registered patients for non-aerosol
routine care. Urgent care centres will continue to provide aerosol generating procedures.

Organised outdoor contact sports, play and physical activity can resume for children and young people under 18 (subject to guidance).

Face-to-face youth work can resume outdoors (following relevant guidance).

Wednesday 15th July

Places of worship can re-open for congregational services, communal prayer and contemplation with physical
distancing and limited numbers.

Museums, galleries, monuments, libraries, various other visitor
attractions, cinemas (including drive-ins and venues screening films) – with physical distancing and other
measures (e.g. ticketing in advance).

Hairdressers and barbers can re-open – with enhanced hygiene measures.

All childcare providers can open subject to the individual providerarrangements.

Indoor hospitality can reopen (subject to physical distancing rules
and guidance).

All holiday accommodation permitted (following relevant guidance).

Easing of restrictions on attendance at funerals, marriage ceremonies and civil partnership registrations with physical distancing (limited numbers). Associated receptions are subject to household meetings.

Wednesday 22nd July

Universities and colleges – Phased return to on campus learning as part of a blended model with remote teaching.

Public health measures (including physical distancing) in place.

Other personal retail services such as beauticians and tailors can re-open – with enhanced hygiene

Motorcycle instruction and theory/hazard tests can resume.

Tractor driver instruction can resume.

Click here for the link to the latest Scottish Government Paper