PGCo, Did You Know…

By Ceemac126 @PGCBlogging

Suspect arrested in Capitol Heights murder, Prince George’s County Police Department start year with increase in controls to avoid a repeat January 2011 murder rate, Same-sex marriage bill assigned to two committees in Maryland House, Recent Study shows Marylanders split on same-sex marriage, VOTE IN THE PGC BLOG POLL: Do you favor legalizing same-sex marriage in Maryland?

Jamik Sumby

The Homicide Unit of Prince George’s County Police have arrested Fairmont Heights resident Jamik Sumby on charges of first degree murder in connection with the death of Perry Earl Hunt.  Mr. Hunt’s body was found last week in the 1400 block of Doewood Lane in Capitol Heights behind an apartment building trash receptacle.  The two men were know acquaintances and had taken part in an altercation at another location that ended with Perry Earl Hunt being stabbed by Jamik Sumby.

  • I’m willing to bet that this was over NOTHING.

150 additional police officers have been deployed to make sure Prince George’s County homicide rates don’t make headlines like they did in 2011.  As of today, there have been three homicides, according to reports.  By the end of January 2011, there had been a total of 13 homicides. 

  • Guess one of the 150 caught Jamik Sumby.  Good Work.

 Maryland House Speaker Michael E. Busch sends same-sex marriage legislation to two committees: Health and Government Operations Committee and the Judiciary Committee. Some say this will increase the chance of passage.  Others like House Minority Leader Anthony J. O’Donnell (R-Calvert), an opponent of same-sex marriage, say that it shows a lack of confidence in the Judiciary Committee’s likelihood to pass such legislation.

What Marylanders Think, a poll taken by Gonzales Research and Marketing Strategies shows that statewide, 49% of Maryland residents favor legalizing same-sex marriage but 60% of African-Americans and 62% of Republicans do not support legalization of same-sex marriage.  The poll used a sampling of 808 registered Maryland voters. 

  • Poll from Gonzales Research HERE

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