
By Lostindrawers @lostindrawers

Oh hello there, it’s all kinds of time for the bundt! Chocolate chip chocolate chocolate bundt cake that is. So, I baked this cake this morning, because I’ve had two little puppy alarms clocks waking me up at 7 am in the morn. What else do you do when you don’t have any heavy work for the day?! Bake a darn bundt is what you do!

And in the same vein as a lot of fun baking, I wore some different animal prints today. And this Peugeot bike is Bo’s pride and joy. I was privileged enough that I got to stand next to it. That and ’cause it matched my outfit! What, What!

Filed under: adventures, Emory, fashion, Fort Worth, our life, out and about, Style, Styling, vintage Tagged: adventures, bicycle, fall, fashion, fort worth, our life, style, styling, vintage