Peter Dinklage To “Game Of Thrones” Fans: Please Stop Buying Huskies

Posted on the 17 August 2017 by Sumithardia

Peter Dinklage To “Game Of Thrones” Fans: Please Stop Buying Huskies

I’m pretty clueless about Game of Thrones (that’s not an invitation to leak more information, hackers). But I’m aware of the direwolf cuteness on Game of Thrones. The direwolves on Game of Thrones, like Arya Stark’s Nymeria, are obviously played by huskies and not actual wolves. According to Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones has the same effect as 101 Dalmatians did in 1997; people are still getting pupnotized by the cuteness they seen on screen. But before you seek out a husky to recreate Game of Thrones at home, Peter is here to politely ask that you think twice about that.

UsWeekly says that Peter recently teamed up with his pals at PETA to talk about the increase in Game of Thrones-inspired husky purchases. I know what you’re thinking, and no, he didn’t appear naked in an ad with a bone covering his junk and a PETA-style double entendre about doggy style. He released a statement about it.

“Please, to all of the Game of Thrones many wonderful fans, we understand that due to the Direwolves huge popularity, many folks are going out and buying huskies. Not only does this hurt all the wonderful homeless dogs waiting for a chance at a good home in shelters, but shelters are reporting that huskies are being abandoned as often happens when dogs are bought on impulse, without understanding the dog’s needs. Please, please: if you’re going to bring a dog into your family, make sure you’re prepared for such a tremendous responsibility and remember to always, ALWAYS, adopt from a shelter.”

My dog sister was a shelter-rescued husky mix, so I think I can speak on husky ownership. If Peter really wanted to get his message across, he should have gotten specific with exactly what kind of “needs” we’re talking about here. Want a husky? Fine, but you better be prepared for the hundreds of fluffy husky fur tumbleweeds that will blow through your house on any given day. And the howling! As former Hot Slut Zeus has shown us, huskies have a tendency to howl until they get their way. So if you’re trying to watch Game of Thrones, and your husky wants to watch a Discovery Channel special on squirrels, you better be prepared to change the channel.


Source: Peter Dinklage To “Game Of Thrones” Fans: Please Stop Buying Huskies

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